第 11 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽(2019) - 和艦長一起 30 天玩轉 GitLab

今年艦長發了個瘋,在第二個小孩剛出生沒多久、即將舉辦 DevOpsDays Taipei 2019 (我擔任其中一位組織者)的狀態之下,參加了「第 11 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽(2019)」。

這次參賽的主題為「和艦長一起 30 天玩轉 GitLab」,本來想要用一個虛擬的團隊作為案例,分享關於 GitLab 的使用經驗,但實際上場之後才發現當初規劃的太美好,事前準備的不夠充分。雖然順利完賽,但案例規劃的並不完整、內容深度也不如計畫,最終撰寫的成果仍是較基礎的 GitLab 操作文章。

This article has been translated into English.

目前文章依然留存於「iT 邦幫忙」網站上,暫時先不一篇篇的搬到我私人的部落格,先用超連結的方式處理:


GitLab 管理與權限

GitLab Workflow

GitLab CI

GitLab Auto DevOps


以上就是 30 天鐵人賽的所有文章。

本以為今年分享 GitLab 的主題就到鐵人賽為止,但後來收到了 Study4.TW 社群 的邀請,於是在 Study4.TW .NET Conf 2019 又延續鐵人賽「玩轉 GitLab」的內容,分享了一場以 GitLab 為主題的演講——「和艦長一起玩轉 GitLab & GitLab Workflow」,演講簡報如下:

English Version

In October of this year, I made a madness. Not long after the second child was born, and DevOpsDays Taipei 2019 is also about to be held (I am one of the organizers), I signed up for the “第 11 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽(2019)"(This is a race, for 30 consecutive days, to write a technical article every day.).

The topic of the article I wrote during this race was “Understanding GitLab and GitLab Workflow.” I originally wanted to use a fictional team as a case in the article to share my personal GitLab experience, but after actually starting to write articles, I found that the preparation was not enough. Although successfully passed the race and completed writing 30 articles in 30 days, most of the content of the article is still the basic GitLab operation.

At present, 30 articles are still on the website of “第 11 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽(2019)”. I will not move them back to my personal blog in a short time. I will leave a link to the article here: (These articles are written in traditional Chinese, I just translated the title of the article into English.)

After participating in the race “第 11 屆 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽(2019)”, I received an invitation from the Study4.TW community, so I continued to share the topic of GitLab in “Study4.TW .NET Conf 2019”. The topic I shared was “和艦長一起玩轉 GitLab & GitLab Workflow”. The presentation is as follows:

轉貼本文時禁止修改,禁止商業使用,並且必須註明來自「艦長,你有事嗎?」原創作者 Cheng Wei Chen,及附上原文連結。

